Howard County, MD

What is HoCoChow?

Howard County is a wonderful place to live with a ton of great food choices.

There are a lot of chain and independent restaurants but there are also quite a few hidden gems, with more opening up each year.

We love living here and we love eating here too.

When I first moved to Howard County, I fell in love with a blogspot blog called HowChow. While I can only eat one breakfast, one lunch, and one dinner each day… the person behind the blog showed me so many wonderful places in Howard County that it felt like I had multiple meals each day, vicariously.

HowChow adopted a child in 2014 and, sadly for us but wonderfully for them, the blog posts became less frequently until fully ending in July 2017. I hope they’re still eating their way through Howard County, even though they might not blog about it anymore.

Having lived in Howard County for over 15 years and eaten in my fair share of HoCo eateries, I thought it would be fun to be to someone else what HowChow was to me – a way to discover the wonderful eateries and drinkeries of this great county.

(and sometimes, when we venture out to nearby counties, we may include those too!)

I hope you’ll join us!





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Devin D.
Devin D.
6 months ago

I used to love the HowChow site and I was hoping they would come back. Glad to see you’re picking up where they left off. Look forward to coming here regularly to find out about new places to try!

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